At Kids Corner Kindergarten School, our Preschool Program is designed to provide a comprehensive educational experience for children ages 3 to 5 years. Our program focuses on creating a solid foundation for early school years through a variety of engaging and enriching activities.
These activities include discovery art, math, literacy, science projects, dramatic play, music and movement, Handwriting Without Tears, circle time, and play centers. Our highly qualified teachers utilize Learning Beyond and the relevant Early Learning Standards, ensuring an individualized experience for each learner that promotes language, social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
Our educators use Learning Beyond to guide our teaching strategies and activities. This curriculum is designed to inspire children to explore, experiment, and discover. It promotes active learning and encourages children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
We emphasize the holistic development of each child. Our activities and lessons are tailored to enhance various developmental domains, including language and communication, social and emotional growth, cognitive skills, and physical health. By fostering a well-rounded development, we prepare children for future academic success and personal growth.
We incorporate community involvement and multicultural celebrations into our curriculum. Special events and activities are organized to help children learn about and appreciate diverse cultures and traditions. This exposure helps build a sense of community and global awareness.
Our Full-Day Preschool Program is designed for children ages 3 to 5 and operates from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday. This program provides a convenient and flexible schedule for working parents. The extended hours allow for a well-rounded day of activities, encompassing both structured learning and free play. Our Full-Day Program operates year-round, ensuring continuous learning and development.
Our Half-Day Program is tailored for children ages 3 to 5 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Safety and security are our top priority. Only individuals listed on the child’s paperwork and pick-up list are permitted to pick up the child. Unfamiliar individuals must present identification at the front desk before being allowed to pick up a child.
We ask parents to provide snacks and lunch for their children. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
For the Full-Day Program, parents should pack a morning snack, a healthy lunch, and an afternoon snack each day. In the Half-Day Program, parents should pack a morning snack. We emphasize nutritious and well-balanced meals, aligning with childcare licensing regulations.
Each child has a personal cubby for their belongings, including a backpack, spare clothes, and naptime supplies. To prevent loss or theft, please avoid sending personal items like toys from home. We provide ample toys and activities for play.
Safety is paramount. If a child sustains an injury, our trained staff will administer first aid promptly. An accident report will be completed and shared with parents upon pickup. In severe emergencies, 911 will be contacted, and parents will be notified immediately.
Safety is paramount. If a child sustains an injury, our trained staff will administer first aid promptly. An accident report will be completed and shared with parents upon pickup. In severe emergencies, 911 will be contacted, and parents will be notified immediately.
Diapers are changed every two hours or more frequently if needed. Parents should keep diapers and wipes stocked in their child’s classroom.
We collaborate with parents to support potty training. Parents should provide spare clothes for potential accidents. Toilet-trained children can use the restroom whenever needed, with staff monitoring based on age and ability levels.
Naptime is crucial for our Full-Day students. Rest time lasts approximately two hours, with timing adjusted per classroom schedule. We provide cots, and parents should supply a crib sheet and small blanket. Children are encouraged to rest for at least 20 minutes; non-nappers can engage in quiet activities afterward.
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